My dad shot weddings and my youth sports leagues growing up for extra income. I always looked forward to him shooting weddings because it meant a Kay's Kastle ice cream sundae was in my future. However, I never had the slightest interest in photography until he gave me his first little Canon point and shoot digital camera for a trip to Hawaii/San Francisco. While bicycling with Kara around San Francisco I intended to capture an image of the Golden Gate Bridge with a boat in the distance. At the moment I snapped the photo a bird flew past perfectly placed in the frame. [no clue how I got so lucky] but it lit a fire inside me and I loved the instant feedback of seeing what I had just captured. Fast forward years [literally years] of making excuses as to why I couldn't pursue photography as a career to about 4 years ago when my life changed dramatically the day I heard a message on Passion and Purpose. It was a huge wake-up call because for years I was lost and had absolutely no passion for what I had been doing. A few short weeks later, I saw the Rocky Mountains in Colorado with Kara celebrating our 10th anniversary and in the span of a few short weeks my life began to dramatically transform.
Over the past 4+ yrs since leaving my job to pursue photography I've been able to photograph families, high school seniors, sporting events, births, baptisms, birthdays, weddings, to 50 year anniversaries, and more. Each time is an opportunity to make a lasting impact on someone and glorify God thru photographs. It has opened doors that I could not have imagined just a few short years ago and has allowed me to pursue my passion.
So hey, thanks for listening to a bit about my journey here. Here's a few other details that might interest you about me and my tribe. I have an amazingly supportive spouse. I have two incredibly amazing and unique boys who melt my heart every single day and make me strive to be better. We have two cats Mysha and Taffy, and an awesome boxer named Pippin. WE LOVE the TENNESSEE VOLS, I'm a connoisseur of t-shirts, and I speak fluent sarcasm. I'm most at peace when I am in the mountains.
Photo credit - Jim Pollard, No Name Workshop - Breckenridge, Colorado 2016